
The E-Steward is your electronic data steward which helps you get rid of your data quality problems.
The E-Steward analyses your data, detects possible problems and suggests a solution which is consistent with your data model. Over time, the E-Steward learns to fix the problems autonomously.

Use Case Client Bank


Our solution is cloud based and AI driven. The software is provided as a service. No updates or maintenance are necessary on the client side. The data is stored in the cloud, the space and processing capacity scale with your demand. The machine is connected to a variety of public data sources and generates its own metadata. It connects patterns and past choices in your data processing to arrive at increasingly accurate solutions.

Bank Data

Bank Data

„AS IS“ unstructured data

Arrow Right


E-Steward SaaS

Detects errors and
corrects data on many levels

Arrow Right

Clean Data

Clean Data

Bank Data after processing -
clean data, ready to fit all

Key Source of Problems

Unstructured & uncontrolled data

Absent Data

Absent or deficient data quality mechanisms

Data Quality

Lack of dedicated roles for data quality


Existing software tools require a high level of technical understanding and are not suited for non technical users


In the regulatory reporting area, data errors incur fines and cause enormous costs in the banking sector

The Solution: E-Steward

Our approach puts the focus on the source data

Proactive Service

Data quality as a proactive service


State of the art concepts and platforms (Java, Cloud, Machine-Learning)


Intelligent and interactive


Highest security standards and scalability on hardware and software side

Keyword Data Flaws

We found, as a key point based on our professional experience, that data delivered are never the data expected. As a result of this fact, operational costs increase by an enormous amount.

E-Steward is the blade to sharpen your data precision

We translate our technical understanding into computer behavior. Our engine already performs a large part of the necessary cleaning activies on its own. The Robo Reg Reporting expert.


Our company data is treated with a particularly high degree of care. Data security, i.e. protection against manipulation, loss or unauthorized access by third parties, is achieved through suitable organizational and technical means.

In the case of personal data (e.g. private telephone numbers or private addresses), the rules of data protection according to the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), e.g. B. with regard to the collection, storage and deletion.

We operate our IT services in the cloud with partners who guarantee failure safety and access security according to the highest industrial standards. The data centers used are certified according to DIN EN 50600.

Security starts with the programming and never comes automatically. Regular controls are carried out. Danger from access by third parties are checked again and again. Documentation, access controls, logging, monitoring and regular backups reduce this risk of damage from intentional or unintentional destruction or manipulation of data.

Good controls and sensible risk management are only possible by avoiding conflicts of interest. We therefore separate control functions from executive and administrative functions.

We carry out regular hacker controls in order to discover weak points and to ward off hacker attacks. Both DDoS attacks and man-in-the-middle attacks are examined. We rely on comprehensive virus protection.

We use the latest encryption standards (DES/NIST).